Learn more about Solid Waste Management and Sustainable Materials in and around Benton County
Learn more about Solid Waste Management and Sustainable Materials in and around Benton County
Learn more about Solid Waste Management and Sustainable Materials in and around Benton County
Benton County announces Lacey Mollel as Executive Director of Community Health Centers
Mark your calendars, the Benton County Fair runs from July 31st through August 3rd! Benton County is thrilled to introduce Naomi Bailey as this year’s Fair & Rodeo Queen. Naomi will be a central figure throughout the fair, participating in various events and activities.
Today, June 27, 2024, Benton County is conducting a Pre-Application Meeting with Republic Services in anticipation of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for the Coffin Butte Landfill. This preliminary meeting allows applicants to receive feedback from various county and state partners on complex projects before submitting a final application.
All Benton County offices will be closed on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. The Sheriff’s Office will continue with patrols during the closure.
Design plans for the Benton County Courthouse and District Attorney’s office are one step closer to construction. Benton County and the State of Oregon have agreed on a Master Funding Agreement which solidifies funding sources for the project. And, the County and the property owner have reached an agreement on the purchase of the land for the project.
Kings Valley residents recently had their first opportunity to view the proposed updated flood hazard maps for the Luckiamute River Watershed as Benton County hosted an open house May 30 at the Kings Valley Charter School. Residents were able to look over the tentative maps and have questions answered by representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA, as well as Benton County Floodplain Administrator and Senior Planner Toby Lewis and County Commissioner Pat Malone.
Benton County remains on the forefront of proving services to those with mental health issues, and that includes residents of all ages. The County recently expanded the size of their facility and the services it provides at Benton County Children and Family Mental Health. An open house was held May 31 at the program’s new location at 4185 SW Research Way in Corvallis. The day featured tours, meeting the staff, a resource fair, and family activities and prizes.
The spring may have been wet, but the long, dry summer wildfire season is right around the corner. As part of an ongoing effort for enhance emergency preparedness, Benton County and the City of Corvallis teamed up May 18 to conduct a wildfire evacuation drill. The drill served as a valuable opportunity for emergency responders and residents to practice wildfire evacuation procedures and test communication systems.
This weekend, the City of Corvallis and Benton County Emergency Management programs are conducting a Wildfire Evacuation Drill for the County on May 18, utilizing the Kalapuya Building as a Temporary Evacuation Point (TEP). Despite this, the Ballot Box at the Kalapuya Building at 4500 Research Way will remain accessible to the public, however delays may happen.