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Tag: Coffin Butte Landfill

Republic Services’ Conditional Use Permit Application Deemed Complete

The Benton County Planning Division has deemed Republic Services’ revised Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for Coffin Butte landfill as Complete. The application is moving forward to the decision process, which is expected to be completed by August 11, 2025.

Benton County is now working on staff reports to give to the Planning Commission and agency referral partners who will review the application and make recommendations. When the reports are complete, the County will set the dates for a two-week public comment period and a hearing before the Planning Commission, a group of seven volunteers from throughout the County appointed by the Board of Commissioners.

The Planning Commission meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Kalapuya Building at 4500 SW Research Way in Corvallis. All meetings are open to the public. While the hearing date for Republic Services’ application has not been set, the County expects that it will not happen before April 1, 2025. To meet the August 11 deadline, the hearing should happen no later than May 6, 2025.

As soon as the hearing and public comment dates are set, notification will be sent to all who signed up as Interested Parties through the Community Development webpages. The County will also communicate the schedule through the website, a press release, and emails to the County’s general interest contact list and solid waste process special interest list.

View Republic Services’ CUP application online:

Sign up as an Interested Party to receive updates on the application.

To learn more about the decision process visit

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