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Health Communications Survey

Benton County Health Department Launches Community Survey for Communications Assessment

* Español a continuación

CORVALLIS, Ore.– The Benton County Health Department is asking people who live in or near Benton County, Oregon to respond to a community survey about health communications.  

The goal of the community survey is to better understand where and how people in Benton County receive and share information about things that affect their health. 

“We want to know where people look for health information and what types of information they are seeking so we can better serve them,” said Kailee Olson, Communications Coordinator for the Benton County Health Department. 

The survey is part of an assessment being conducted by the consultant firm, Rede Group, to evaluate the Health Department’s previous and existing communications. The assessment will help inform a multi-year strategic communications plan to improve how the department communicates with internal staff, community partners, and members of the public.  

The survey takes about fifteen minutes to complete and the last day to respond is March 15, 2025. At the end of the survey, participants can choose to enter a drawing to win one of six $50 gift cards as an appreciation for their time.  

The survey is available online via SurveyMonkey in both English and Spanish. People who would like the survey in another language or who would like printed copies of the survey should contact 

Community members are encouraged to share the survey with friends, family, and networks who live in Benton County and the surrounding area. 


Benton County is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to our programs, services, activities, hiring and employment practices. This document is available in alternative formats and languages upon request. Please contact the Public Information Office at 541-766-6800 or 


El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton lanza una encuesta comunitaria para evaluar sus comunicaciones 

CORVALLIS, Ore.– El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton está pidiendo a las personas que viven en el Condado de Benton, Oregón o en comunidades cercanas, que respondan a una encuesta comunitaria sobre comunicaciones de salud.  

El objetivo de la encuesta comunitaria es comprender mejor dónde y cómo las personas del Condado de Benton reciben y comparten información sobre cosas que afectan su salud.  

“Queremos saber dónde buscan las personas información de la salud y qué tipo de información buscan para poder servirles mejor”, dijo Kailee Olson, Coordinadora de Comunicaciones del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton.  

La encuesta es parte de una evaluación que está realizando la empresa consultora Rede Group para evaluar las comunicaciones pasadas y actuales del Departamento de Salud. La evaluación ayudará a informar un plan estratégico de comunicaciones de varios años para mejorar la forma en que el departamento de salud se comunica con el personal internamente, las agencias de la comunidad y los miembros del público. 

La encuesta se completa en unos 15 minutos y el último día para responder es el 15 de marzo de 2025. Al final de la encuesta, los participantes pueden elegir participar en un sorteo para ganar una de seis tarjetas de regalo de $50 como agradecimiento por su tiempo.  

La encuesta está disponible en línea por medio de SurveyMonkey tanto en inglés como en español. Las personas que deseen la encuesta en otro idioma o que deseen copias impresas de la encuesta deben comunicarse por correo-e en

Se anima a los miembros de la comunidad a compartir la encuesta con amistades yfamiliares que viven en el Condado de Benton y sus alrededores. 


El Condado de Benton es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y acción afirmativa y no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso a nuestros programas, servicios, actividades, contratación y prácticas de empleo. Este documento está disponible en formatos e idiomas alternativos a pedido. Comuníquese con la Oficina de Información Pública al 541-766-6800 o 

Republic Services’ Conditional Use Permit Application Deemed Complete

The Benton County Planning Division has deemed Republic Services’ revised Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for Coffin Butte landfill as Complete. The application is moving forward to the decision process, which is expected to be completed by August 11, 2025.

Benton County is now working on staff reports to give to the Planning Commission and agency referral partners who will review the application and make recommendations. When the reports are complete, the County will set the dates for a two-week public comment period and a hearing before the Planning Commission, a group of seven volunteers from throughout the County appointed by the Board of Commissioners.

The Planning Commission meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Kalapuya Building at 4500 SW Research Way in Corvallis. All meetings are open to the public. While the hearing date for Republic Services’ application has not been set, the County expects that it will not happen before April 1, 2025. To meet the August 11 deadline, the hearing should happen no later than May 6, 2025.

As soon as the hearing and public comment dates are set, notification will be sent to all who signed up as Interested Parties through the Community Development webpages. The County will also communicate the schedule through the website, a press release, and emails to the County’s general interest contact list and solid waste process special interest list.

View Republic Services’ CUP application online:

Sign up as an Interested Party to receive updates on the application.

To learn more about the decision process visit

Benton County Launches Deflection Program

* Español a continuación *

Benton County launched its Deflection Program one day ahead of the planned start date, when the first person in Benton County was offered deflection on Dec. 31, 2024. The new program provides treatment and support services as an option to the court system for qualifying County residents cited for drug possession. 

Benton County Deflection Program

Benton County’s Behavioral Health Deflection Program is designed to align with the Oregon Behavioral Health Deflection Grant Program, set up by House Bill (HB) 4002. HB 4002 awards grants to counties and tribes to fund deflection programs. According to the bill, a deflection program is a “collaborative program between law enforcement agencies and behavioral health entities… to create community-based pathways to treatment, recovery support services, housing, case management or other services.” 

How Deflection Works 

  1. When a person in Benton County is cited by law enforcement for drug possession, the District Attorney’s Office finds out if they qualify for the Deflection Program. 
  2. The District Attorney’s Office sends the contact details for the person to the Deflection Coordinator, who contacts the person, explains the program, and makes an offer.  
  3. The person can choose to enter the Deflection Program in place of a criminal case, which might include arrest, conviction, and fines or jail time. 
  4. If the person agrees to participate in the Deflection Program, they are assigned a Peer Mentor. The Peer Mentor sets up an appointment for intake and screening. 
  5. The Deflection Team creates a case management plan, which includes community-based treatment and other services addressing substance use and mental health disorders. Plans are person-centered and follow best practices to address their needs and increase readiness for treatment. 
  6. The person is referred to a treatment provider for assessment and treatment. 
  7. To meet the requirements of the Deflection Program, the person must be actively engaged in treatment for a period of 60 continuous days.  
  8. Upon successful completion of the program, the court dismisses the case. 

Collaborative and Community-Centered 

Planning for Benton County’s Deflection Program began in May 2024, bringing in law enforcement, the District Attorney’s Office, and social and behavioral health services.  

“I appreciate the hard work of the team of professionals who have collaborated to create a program to support individuals wanting to take the first steps toward making a significant life change.”  Benton County District Attorney Ryan Joslin

Deflection Program Coordinator Leanna Linville joined the team in December 2024. Linville brings key knowledge from her work in Marion County, where she served in a similar role.

“Through this program, we hope to empower people with substance use disorder by improving access to treatment and creating different pathways for them.” Deflection Program Coordinator Leanna Linville

Deflection isn’t just a chance to get people into treatment without delay – it also provides community supports increasing positive outcomes.  

“It is an opportunity for those wanting to pursue treatment voluntarily to obtain it without the delays normally associated with the standard criminal prosecution approach. In addition to substance abuse treatment, the individual will be offered other harm reduction services to better set them up for success in their treatment journey.”   Benton County District Attorney Ryan Joslin

House Bill 4002 provides one-time funding for the Deflection Program through June 30, 2025. Similar legislation will be a key part of Oregon’s 2025 legislative session, which began on January 21, to ensure these programs remain viable going forward.   


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