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Benton County offices will open at 11 a.m. on Friday, February 14

Delayed Start on Friday at Benton County Offices

***Español a continuación***

The County plans to open offices on Friday, Feb.14, with a 3-hour delayed start.

Friday public service hours: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

These hours could change based on road conditions on Friday morning. Updates will be posted on this webpage and the County’s social media channels. Before traveling to a County facility, please check this page or call the main phone line to confirm it is open to the public.

We’re still here to serve you!

Many County services can be provided remotely. County employees are available through email and phone to assist you.

MAIN PHONE LINE: 541-766-6800
Staffed 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Las oficinas del Condado de Benton retrasan su apertura el viernes

Actualizado el 13 de febrero de 2025 a las 10:00 p.m.

El Condado de Benton planea abrir sus oficinas el viernes 14 de febrero, con un inicio retrasado de 3 horas.

Horario de atención al público el viernes: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Estos horarios podrían cambiar según las condiciones de la carretera el viernes por la mañana. Se publicarán información actual en esta página web y en las redes sociales del Condado. Antes de viajar a un edificio del Condado, consulte esta página o llame a la línea telefónica principal para confirmar que esté abierto al público.

¡Seguimos aquí para servirle!

Muchos servicios del Condado se pueden ofrecer de forma remota. Los empleados del Condado están disponibles por correo electrónico y por teléfono para ayudarle.

Con personal de 8:00 a. m. – 5:00 p. m.

Winter Weather Warning for Benton County

***Español a continuación***

Be prepared – winter weather conditions expected this week.

Winter Weather Advisory

Low temperatures continue in the Willamette Valley, with temperatures as low as 19 degrees on Tuesday night. Snow and freezing rain are expected beginning Wednesday night, February 12, and continuing through Friday, February 14.

These conditions could bring an inch of snow and up to half an inch of accumulated freezing rain and ice. All community members are encouraged to prepare for icy roads and possible power outages.

Benton County recommends:

  • Do not go outside your home unless absolutely necessary. Even a short walk to the mailbox can lead to a slip-and-fall injury.
  • Avoid driving in icy conditions whenever possible. If you must travel, slow down and use caution while driving. Have an emergency plan and keep supplies in your vehicle.
  • Check regularly for updates on road and school closures to avoid unnecessary trips.
  • Have extra food and water, supplies, medications, and batteries ready at home.
  • Keep all electronic devices and battery packs charged in case of power outage.


Read ODOT’s tips for driving in snow and ice.

Visit for weather updates.

For road conditions, visit or call 511.

Warming Centers

Daytime warming centers are available throughout Benton County as long as power is available. Warming centers are indoor heated facilities that are free for members of the public to access during designated hours. Many of these locations also have pet crates available.

Learn more: Hours & contact information for day-time warming centers in Benton County.


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Advertencia de clima invernal para el condado de Benton

Prepárese: Se esperan condiciones climáticas invernales esta semana en el Condado de Benton

Winter Weather Advisory

Las bajas temperaturas continúan en el valle de Willamette, con temperaturas de hasta 19 grados Fahrenheit el martes por la noche. Se espera nieve y lluvia helada a partir del miércoles por la noche el 12 de febrero, hasta el viernes 14 de febrero.

Estas condiciones podrían provocar una pulgada de nieve y hasta media pulgada de lluvia helada y hielo. Se recomienda a todos los miembros de la comunidad que se preparen para el hielo en las carreteras y los posibles cortes de energía.

El Condado de Benton recomienda:

  • No salga de su casa a menos que sea absolutamente necesario. Incluso una caminata corta hasta el buzón puede provocar una lesión por un resbalón y una caída.
  • Evite conducir en condiciones de hielo siempre que sea posible. Si debe viajar, reduzca la velocidad y tenga cuidado al conducir. Tenga un plan de emergencia y mantenga suministros en su vehículo.
  • Verifique regularmente las actualizaciones sobre los cierres de carreteras y escuelas para evitar viajes innecesarios.
  • Tenga alimentos y agua adicionales, suministros, medicamentos y baterías listas en casa.
  • Mantenga todos los dispositivos electrónicos y paquetes de baterías cargados en caso de un corte de energía.


Lea los consejos de ODOT para conducir en nieve y hielo.

Visite para obtener actualizaciones del clima.

Para conocer las condiciones de la carretera, visite o llame al 511.

Centros de calentamiento

Hay centros de calentamiento disponibles durante el día en todo el Condado de Benton, siempre y cuando haya energía eléctrica. Los centros de calentamiento son instalaciones en interiores con calefacción, a las que el público puede ir gratis durante las horas designadas. Muchos de estos lugares también tienen disponibles jaulas para mascotas.

Obtenga más información: Horarios e información de contacto de los centros de calentamiento durante el día en el Condado de Benton.


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Household Hazardous Waste Event

Republic Services holds household hazardous waste event for Benton County residents

Republic Services invites all residents of Benton County to bring their household hazardous waste for safe disposal and recycling.

WHEN: On Saturday, February 8, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: 110 NE Walnut Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330

FREE for residential customers with household quantities of waste (5 gallons max).

The quarterly event is a chance for residents to safely and environmentally responsibly dispose of items that can’t be tossed in the weekly trash cart. This includes:

  • Paint, motor oil, and other car fluids
  • Batteries, fluorescent tubes, and electronics
  • Pesticides and herbicides

“We are proud to partner with Benton County residents on this event to keep our community and environment clean,” said Julie Jackson, Municipal Manager for Republic Services.

Whether it is paint, electronics, pesticides, herbicides or other household chemicals, Republic Services will take these items to be safely processed, and where possible, recycled so they can be used for future products.

Items that will not be accepted at this event:

  • Ammunition, explosives, and fireworks
  • Biological or medical waste and sharps
  • Business and industrial waste (accepted by appointment only)

See the schedule for all 2025 recycling and household hazardous waste events for Benton County communities.

Benton County Launches Deflection Program

* Español a continuación *

Benton County launched its Deflection Program one day ahead of the planned start date, when the first person in Benton County was offered deflection on Dec. 31, 2024. The new program provides treatment and support services as an option to the court system for qualifying County residents cited for drug possession. 

Benton County Deflection Program

Benton County’s Behavioral Health Deflection Program is designed to align with the Oregon Behavioral Health Deflection Grant Program, set up by House Bill (HB) 4002. HB 4002 awards grants to counties and tribes to fund deflection programs. According to the bill, a deflection program is a “collaborative program between law enforcement agencies and behavioral health entities… to create community-based pathways to treatment, recovery support services, housing, case management or other services.” 

How Deflection Works 

  1. When a person in Benton County is cited by law enforcement for drug possession, the District Attorney’s Office finds out if they qualify for the Deflection Program. 
  2. The District Attorney’s Office sends the contact details for the person to the Deflection Coordinator, who contacts the person, explains the program, and makes an offer.  
  3. The person can choose to enter the Deflection Program in place of a criminal case, which might include arrest, conviction, and fines or jail time. 
  4. If the person agrees to participate in the Deflection Program, they are assigned a Peer Mentor. The Peer Mentor sets up an appointment for intake and screening. 
  5. The Deflection Team creates a case management plan, which includes community-based treatment and other services addressing substance use and mental health disorders. Plans are person-centered and follow best practices to address their needs and increase readiness for treatment. 
  6. The person is referred to a treatment provider for assessment and treatment. 
  7. To meet the requirements of the Deflection Program, the person must be actively engaged in treatment for a period of 60 continuous days.  
  8. Upon successful completion of the program, the court dismisses the case. 

Collaborative and Community-Centered 

Planning for Benton County’s Deflection Program began in May 2024, bringing in law enforcement, the District Attorney’s Office, and social and behavioral health services.  

“I appreciate the hard work of the team of professionals who have collaborated to create a program to support individuals wanting to take the first steps toward making a significant life change.”  Benton County District Attorney Ryan Joslin

Deflection Program Coordinator Leanna Linville joined the team in December 2024. Linville brings key knowledge from her work in Marion County, where she served in a similar role.

“Through this program, we hope to empower people with substance use disorder by improving access to treatment and creating different pathways for them.” Deflection Program Coordinator Leanna Linville

Deflection isn’t just a chance to get people into treatment without delay – it also provides community supports increasing positive outcomes.  

“It is an opportunity for those wanting to pursue treatment voluntarily to obtain it without the delays normally associated with the standard criminal prosecution approach. In addition to substance abuse treatment, the individual will be offered other harm reduction services to better set them up for success in their treatment journey.”   Benton County District Attorney Ryan Joslin

House Bill 4002 provides one-time funding for the Deflection Program through June 30, 2025. Similar legislation will be a key part of Oregon’s 2025 legislative session, which began on January 21, to ensure these programs remain viable going forward.   


Republic Services Submits Additional Materials for Conditional Use Permit Application

Republic Services has submitted supplemental information for its Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to Benton County. The CUP application was received by Jan. 15, 2025, meeting the deadline required by Benton County Code. 

The pre-application drafts are available online in their entirety through Munidocs. The supplemental material submitted on January 15 can be viewed and downloaded from the Benton County website. A printed copy of the application is also available for viewing in the Community Development Department on the second floor at 4500 SW Research Way in Corvallis.

The CUP pre-application, submitted on July 19, 2024, was deemed Incomplete. In accordance with County Code 51.535(1), Republic Services had 180 days from the submission of the preapplication to submit revisions and provide additional documentation to reach Completeness. A revised application was submitted to the County on Oct. 30, 2024.

Representatives from Republic Services met with the County Planning Division in December 2024 to discuss points of clarification and additional narrative detail needed to reach Completion. Dialogue between permit applicants and the County is a standard part of the land use application process and does not occur in public meetings. 

The latest application revision is now being reviewed for Completeness by County Planning Officials and an independent consultant. If it is deemed Complete, the County will provide a process timeline, public comment period, and tentative public hearing date(s) before the Benton County Planning Commission. County Code dictates that this process, including appeals, be completed within 150 days, putting the end date in June 2025.

Learn more about the land use application process on the County’s website:

NAPE Director Jesse Ott (right) with Fairgrounds Foreman Doug Covey in the Floral Courtyard at the Benton County Event Center & Fairgrounds

Benton County Appoints Jesse Ott as Director of Natural Areas, Parks & Events

Benton County is pleased to announce that Jesse Ott has been officially appointed as Director of Natural Areas, Parks & Events (NAPE), effective January 2025.

Ott has served as the Interim Director of NAPE since February 2024. He joined Benton County as the Deputy Director of Natural Areas, Parks & Events in April 2021. Under his direction, NAPE manages a dozen parks and recreation sites in the County, including campgrounds, picnic areas and trails. The department is also responsible for the Fort Hoskins historic site, Crystal Lake Cemetery, Benton County Event Center & Fairgrounds, and the Benton Oaks RV Park.

In addition to maintenance, conservation and preservation of natural areas and built structures, NAPE organizes several annual events and operates an outdoor education and recreation program that prioritizes rural and underserved youth and their families. The biggest event, held every summer, is the Benton County Fair & Rodeo, which set attendance records in 2024.

“Jesse Ott has the perfect combination of skills for the role of NAPE director,” says County Administrator Rachel McEneny. “He brings a deep knowledge and enthusiasm for natural resource management, demonstrated strong people management and leadership skills, and a passion for sharing what he loves by making natural areas and historic sites available and accessible to everyone in the community.”

Ott has been a daily park and trail user for most of his life, so much so that he embarked on a career in park maintenance and management. Sharing his love of outdoor recreation with his daughter helps inspire him to look for new ways to encourage young people to explore and experience the outdoors.

Ott holds a degree in Organizational Leadership from Charter Oak College in New Britain, Conn. He serves on the board of the Alliance for Recreation and Natural Areas (AFRANA) and is president-elect of the Counties and Outdoors Section of the Oregon Recreation and Parks Association. He lives in Corvallis with his family.

IMAGE: NAPE Director Jesse Ott (right) with Fairgrounds Foreman Doug Covey in the Benton County Fairground Floral Courtyard.

Small business owner e-filing business personal property return

E-Filing Available for Benton County Business Personal Property Accounts

The Benton County Assessment Department now offers an electronic filing platform (E-File) for Business Personal Property accounts in Benton County. Business owners are asked to use this online system to file their Business Property returns, as required by Oregon Revised Statute 308.290.

E-filing is fast, convenient and secure. It minimizes input errors and reduces costs for both the business owner and Benton County.

The online filing system for 2025 Business Personal Property returns will be available starting Jan. 2, 2025. Instructions will be mailed on that date to business owners who have not filed electronically before. Those who have previously filed electronically will receive instructions through email.

The deadline to file without incurring a penalty is March 15, 2025. Business Personal Property returns filed electronically will be digitally postmarked during submission. Please visit the Benton County Business Personal Property page for additional information. 

Want to learn more? The Benton County Assessment Department will offer a virtual workshop for community members on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 10:00 a.m. – noon.

Residents interested in attending the workshop should send an email to the Department of Assessment, with a valid email address, through the contact webpage.

Questions? Call the Department of Assessment: 541-766-6855.

Commissioner Xan Augerot at an event celebrating her retirement

New Podcast Episode: Reflecting on eight years of public service with Commissioner Xan Augerot

Benton County Public Podcast Episode 13

In the last episode of the year, the Benton County Public Podcast commemorates the service of Commissioner Xan Augerot, who is retiring at the end of her second term on the Benton County Board of Commissioners.

In this episode, Commissioner Augerot talks with host Dan Crall and Benton County PIO Anne Thwaits about the highlights and opportunities of eight years in office shaped by a global pandemic, major shifts in the national political climate, and the local impacts of climate change, inflation, changes in state law and more.

Listen here:

Benton County and Republic Services Continue Dialogue About Conditional Use Permit Application

Republic Services, parent company of Valley Landfills Inc., continues to work toward Completion on a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for its Coffin Butte landfill. Company representatives met this week with planning officials from Benton County to discuss the application.

Republic first submitted the CUP application to Benton County on July 19, 2024. In reviewing it, the Planning Division of Benton County Community Development determined that more detailed technical reports and a broader spatial analysis were required to assess the existing conditions and potential impacts of landfill operations. The application was deemed Incomplete.

A revised application was submitted on Oct. 30, 2024. It contains substantial additional information, but some points still require clarification. The County and Republic Services came together in a virtual Zoom meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 11, to discuss additional narrative detail to support the application.

The County believes Completeness will be reached within the 180 days from initial application date that are provided by Benton County Code 51.535. See the timeline below for more information.

Application Timeline

July 19, 2024
Republic Services submits a CUP application, starting the clock on the 180 days allowed to reach Complete status by Benton County Code 51.535. This sets the ultimate deadline for a Complete application as Jan. 15, 2025.

After submission, Benton County has 30 days to respond to the applicant.

Aug. 16, 2024
After careful review by the Benton County Planning Division and an independent consultant, the County sends an Incompleteness Letter to Republic Services. It explains the deficiencies in the application.

Oct. 30, 2024
Republic Services submits a revised CUP that contains substantial additional information, including technical reports and analysis.

Dec. 11, 2024
After careful review by the Benton County Planning Division and an independent consultant, the County meets with Republic Services through Zoom to discuss the application, requesting additional narrative detail about some of the exhibits submitted.

Jan. 15, 2025
Deadline for Republic Services to supply the requested information to Benton County in order to satisfy application requirements.

If the application is deemed Complete, the County will provide a timeline of the process for review, public input, and application consideration. Complete applications go before the Benton County Planning Commission — an appointed body that approves how landowners use their property and advises County officials on complex decisions.

If the application is still Incomplete on this date, Republic Services will have to start over with an entirely new application.

What is a Conditional Use Permit?

A Conditional Use Permit requires discretionary approval from a municipality. It is a zoning exception that allows property to be used in a way not typically permitted within the designated zone. This permit ensures that proposed developments align with the community’s zoning regulations and land use plan.

The CUP requested by Republic Services would allow the company to build additional landfill cells on land the company owns. Modern landfills are divided into multiple cells within the larger landfill property. The “working face” of the Coffin Butte landfill – the actual area where waste is being disposed – is less than ½ acre at any given time. As a cell fills it is capped, and the working face moves to a new cell.

Unrelated to the CUP application, Republic applied to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to renew an air quality permit. This permit sets a limit on the output of greenhouse gasses – like carbon dioxide and methane – that are allowed. A virtual public hearing about the proposed renewal of the Title V air permit will be held on Jan. 6, 2025 (Please note: Benton County has been informed that the public hearing is being postponed from Dec. 17, 2024, but as of this writing the DEQ website has not yet been updated to reflect the change).

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