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Benton County Courthouse and District Attorney office funding agreement finalized

Benton County Board of Commissioners' logo

Design plans for the Benton County Courthouse and District Attorney’s office are one step closer to construction. Benton County and the State of Oregon have agreed on a Master Funding Agreement which solidifies funding sources for the project. And, the County and the property owner have reached an agreement on the purchase of the land for the project.

“This is a huge step for Benton County and our partners to address community safety and emergency management. The Board of Commissioners will continue to advocate for advancing an equitable, effective, and safe justice system for all Benton County residents”, said Xan Augerot, Board Chair.

The agreement signed by the State, will provide funding for a new, 48,892 square foot Benton County Courthouse. The total budget for the project is $86,838,621, of which the State’s share is $38,118,022. The County is contributing $48,720,599, through a combination of County borrowing and other county and federal resources. County resources provide the required match to the State contribution for the new courthouse, and additional resources to include a new District Attorney’s Office of 7,382 square feet to be co-located with the Courthouse. Under Oregon law, the Oregon Judicial Department operates the state’s circuit courts, while the counties provide courthouse facilities for those courts.

In addition to securing funding for the courthouse, Benton County reached a negotiated settlement to purchase the property from McFadden Ranch, LLC.  The settlement secures 20 acres of land north of downtown Corvallis. The County had sought the land through an eminent domain lawsuit back in 2022, but that litigation is no longer necessary. The 20-acre site is located on Carson Drive off U.S. Hwy 20 and will be the home of the new Courthouse and District Attorney’s office and will also include the construction of a new Emergency Operations Center that will be built concurrently. That project is funded entirely by state and federal fund resources secured by the County. 

Following nearly two years of negotiations, the County and State reached agreement on the initial plans for the courthouse, design criteria, and the manner of payment. The delay in reaching agreement was mostly due to changes needed in the courthouse design that met the architectural and programmatic standards required by state funding. This resulted in changes to the size and scope of the courthouse which in turn increased the cost. This cost increase, along with historical inflation and rising construction cost, required the State to secure more resources during the 2024 Legislative Session. These resources were secured through the approval of House Bill 5701-2 and Senate Bill 5201, the last piece to finalizing the agreement.   

”I can’t say enough about all the hard work that has gone into these projects. We are grateful for our partnership with the Oregon Justice Department and funding support from our state legislators. Our County is now ready to begin construction on the new courthouse and District Attorney’s office that will meet the needs of modern operations including ADA-compliance, security features, and separate circulation paths for the public, staff, and in-custody defendants, as well as a jury assembly area”, said Gary Stockhoff, Director of Public Works. 

The historic Benton County Courthouse, built in 1888, is the oldest courthouse in Oregon currently being used for its original and intended purpose. In addition to the courthouse, it is where the current District’s Attorney’s Office is located. Though structurally sound, the 27,000 square foot building would not withstand a major earthquake and does not have sufficient space to meet current or future needs. As a result, this project is a high priority for the County to ensure a safe and secure facility that delivers efficient and effective justice services to the public.  

“These new facilities are designed to prioritize accessibility, safety and security in a location that supports improved programs and equitable justice for our entire community”, said Augerot. 

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