Community Livability & Opportunity
Benton County strives to provide vibrant, safe, and livable communities that promote creativity, forward-thinking, a sense of place, and high quality of life. The County is also committed to building social connections, providing community resources, and fostering a sense of belonging.

The HOPE Advisory Board is a joint effort between Benton County and the City of Corvallis to facilitate a comprehensive, coordinated response from the County, cities, and diverse community partners, leaders, and persons experiencing homelessness. The Board prioritizes housing solutions within existing city/county resources, additional staff to coordinate and implement these policy recommendations, and support the growth of local service providers who transition people out of homelessness.

Benton County envisions a justice system that takes a comprehensive approach to addresses needs and opportunities for improvement in enforcement, justice, and accountability. The pathway toward achievement of justice system improvements should have a plan that coordinates program strategies among social service agencies, law enforcement, custody, the courts, and community corrections.