Climate Adaptation Planning
Adaptation Planning
The future climate projected for Benton County is expected to result in more climate-related natural hazards and risks to people, buildings, infrastructure, and the natural environment.
County planning efforts to adapt to these conditions include:
Natural Hazards mitigation plan

The Benton County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan was developed to reduce future loss of life and damage to property resulting from natural hazards. The Plan identifies collaborations among public agencies, private sector organizations, and community members. The Board of Commissioners initially adopted the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in 2016. Updates to the plan began in late 2022 and were adopted in April 2024.
wildfire protection plan

The Community Wildfire Protection Plan promotes awareness of the countywide wild land fire hazard and proposes workable solutions to reduce wildfire risk. The Community Wildfire Protection Plan was originally adopted by the Board of Commissioners on June 16, 2009, and adopted an updated Plan on October 4, 2016. The latest revision was approved on February 21, 2023
climate + health adaptation plan

The 2023 Climate and Health Adaptation Plan aims to engage and empower the community to address the impacts of climate change on the people in our region and build a more resilient and prepared community.